Our machines knit threads of the most varied qualities

Textiles of the most different qualities and implemented in every thinkable area

Professional committed employees working a three shift system on powerful efficient machines

We produce according to your specifications

Precision driven production

Our textiles are of the highest quality

If required the cloth surface can be roughened up into a velvet like pile

Jersey cloth manufacturers

We are an owner-mana­ged manu­fac­tu­rer for jer­sey cir­cu­lar knit­ted and ruf­fled up fabric. For over 60 years we have pro­du­ced qua­li­ty knit­wear in sin­gle and dou­ble knit at our loca­ti­on in Mön­chen­glad­bach-Neuss in NRW. Our Hall­mark is com­pe­ti­ti­ve pri­ces, fast pro­duct avai­la­bi­li­ty and fle­xi­ble order processing.


Pho­ne: +49 (0) 2166 — 13 39 40
Fax: +49 (0) 2166 — 13 39 420
E‑Mail: mail@bruecher-jersey.de